Cross-selling and up-selling : an effective strategy to boost your hotel’s revenues

Increasing your hotel’s revenue doesn’t always mean acquiring new customers. By optimizing cross-selling and up-selling practices, you can turn every stay into an additional revenue opportunity, while enriching the customer experience. In the hotel business, maximizing revenue is essential to ensuring the long-term future of your establishment. Cross-selling and up-selling are proven techniques that not only boost sales, but also strengthen customer satisfaction and loyalty. Adopting these strategies enables you to develop a relationship of trust with your customers while proactively responding to their needs.
In this article, we take a look at the strategies and best practices you can adopt to succeed in this approach.

Understanding cross-selling and up-selling

To get your strategy off to a good start, it’s important to do each step in the right order. Let’s take a look at what cross-selling and upselling mean, and why they’re important for your hotel.

Definition of cross selling

Cross-selling involves offering products or services that complement those already chosen by the customer. For example, offering spa access or a local guided tour when the customer books a room is a form of cross selling. This technique enables us to meet customers’ additional needs and personalize their stay.

Definition of upselling

Additional sales, or “upselling”, aim to increase the value of the transaction by persuading the customer to opt for a more expensive option or premium services. For example, a room upgrade is upselling. This improves the customer’s perceived experience while increasing the profitability of each booking.

The importance of these techniques for increasing your hotel’s revenue

These two strategies maximize the value of each customer, without necessarily increasing the cost of acquisition, and boost your revenues. What’s more, they enrich the customer experience by offering services tailored to their needs and desires. Implementing these techniques effectively can also boost your online reputation through positive reviews and recommendations.

2. Identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities

In this section, we talk about timing. It’s important to identify the most propitious moments to propose the most appropriate services to your customers, in order to multiply your additional sales and cross-selling.

Analyze customer preferences and behaviors

Use available data to understand your customers’ preferences and habits. CRM systems such as Experience are excellent tools for gathering this information and helping you to propose relevant offers. These tools enable fine segmentation and personalization of proposals based on past customer behavior. Identify key moments to propose additional sales.

Cross-selling and up-selling opportunities can arise at different stages of the customer journey: during online booking, check-in, during the stay, and even after departure for future stays (for our best readers we often talk about pre-stay, in-stay and post-stay). Identifying these moments helps maximize the impact and relevance of offers made to customers.

Examples of complementary services and products in the hotel industry

Among the services to be offered, we can include several choices (not exhaustive):

  • Room upgrades
  • Breakfast, lunch or dinner packages
  • Spa and wellness services
  • Local activities and excursions
  • Transportation and shuttle services
  • Special event offers (weddings, birthdays, etc.)

As you can see, there are a multitude of services you can offer. It’s up to you to choose the ones that suit you best. To help you, we’ve written another article on the subject.

3. Implement effective cross-selling and up-selling strategies

Once these opportunities have been identified, it’s time to implement strategies to maximize their effectiveness.

Training staff to identify and seize opportunities

Staff need to be trained to recognize cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, and to know how to propose them in a gentle, non-intrusive way. The aim is to see these sales as a way of enhancing the customer experience, not as a way of making a lot of money in a short space of time. Ongoing training and regular workshops can refresh staff knowledge and keep them abreast of new techniques and offers.

Using technology and CRM tools to personalize offers

CRMs not only enable you to collect and analyze data, but also to personalize offers according to customers’ preferences and past behavior, thus increasing the chances of success. With a CRM like Experience, you can automate the sending of personalized offers by email, improving relevance and conversion rates.

Create attractive packages and offers

Propose packages and special offers that combine several of your services at an attractive rate. For example, a romantic package including a room with a view, a candlelit dinner and spa access can create a memorable experience for couples while increasing the average value per stay. Make sure these packages are visible during the booking and check-in phases to increase the chances of conversion.

4. Measure and analyze the impact of strategies

To ensure the effectiveness of cross-selling and up-selling strategies, it’s important to measure and analyze their impact.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track

Track indicators such as the conversion rate of additional sales proposals, average revenue per customer, and customer satisfaction. Set clear targets for each KPI so you can assess your progress and make adjustments if necessary.

Use customer feedback to optimize offers

Collect feedback regularly to identify what customers like and what could be improved. This enables you to adjust offers and strategies. Use post-stay surveys and encourage reviews on booking platforms to get detailed feedback.

Adjust strategies based on results

Analyze data and adjust strategies based on results to constantly optimize the effectiveness of cross-selling and up-selling. Be flexible and open to experimenting with new approaches based on insights gained.

5. Practical tips for optimizing cross-selling and up-selling

Here are a few practical tips to help you maximize your cross-selling and up-selling efforts.

Persuasion techniques and effective communication

Use gentle persuasion techniques and ensure that communication is clear, concise and focused on customer benefits. Suggestions should feel natural and aligned with customer needs. Make sure every interaction is perceived as a service, not a hard sell.

Personalize offers according to customer segments

Segment your customer base and personalize offers to better meet the specific expectations of different customer groups. For example, business travelers may be interested in quick dry-cleaning services, while families would probably prefer children’s activities. Use CRM data to create segments and send targeted offers.

Integrate offers into the online and on-site customer journey

Ensure that cross-selling and up-selling offers are well integrated into the customer journey, whether during online booking, at reception or in email communications. Use booking platforms with upselling features, and ensure that staff are well informed of available offers. Seamless integration ensures that customers don’t feel overwhelmed by constant proposals.


In conclusion, cross-selling and up-selling are powerful strategies for increasing your hotel’s revenue while enriching the customer experience. By understanding these techniques, identifying opportunities and applying effective strategies, you can turn every stay into an additional source of revenue. Proactive management and constant adjustment of strategies ensure not only financial success, but also increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.