Customer journey

Be by your client's side before, during and after their stay

Support travellers at every stage of the customer journey from booking to retention

Before a stay


Booking confirmation

Start contacting your clients from the moment they book.

“The Experience CRM provides continuity and proper monitoring of client satisfaction before, during and after a stay. It’s like a must-have “brain” working behind the scenes that allows us to:
  • be quicker;
  • be more responsive;
  • and achieve greater satisfaction.
At my hotels, trying to manage the client experience without a CRM would be like trying to manage scheduling without a PMS.”
Julie Palisse – Founder of JPS Hotel Solutions Management company and consultant for 55 hotels.
Confirmation réservation Parcours client Experience CRM pour hôtels et restaurants

Pre-stay email

Send your clients a welcome email a few days before they arrive. Anticipate their needs and offer a bespoke experience:
  • Segmented profiles = targeted offers
  • Fewer services presented = 6 times more sales
Our pre-stay survey analyses the profile of every client so you only offer them services that suit. Why suggest a romantic dinner to someone travelling solo on business?

Pre check-in

Speed up the check-in process for your clients with pre check-in.
“Many client sticking points can be avoided by improving your communication tools. What the Experience Hotel team does to allow hotels to personalise the service is absolutely fantastic.”

Adele Gutman – VP Sales, Marketing and Revenue at The Library Hotel Collection & Manager at the world’s top hotel on TripAdvisor (2017)

Check in Parcours client Experience CRM pour hôtels et restaurants

During a stay


Tablet check-in

Allow your clients to complete the check-in form on a tablet, or check in remotely from their smartphones.

This will save your receptionists time and reduce data entry errors.


Keep in touch and offer services to suit your clients so they can enhance their stay.

conciergerie Parcours client Experience CRM pour hôtels et restaurants

Quality control

Head off negative reviews by automatically sending an email to allow clients to report on their satisfaction in a click during their stay.

30 to 40% of people don’t naturally tend to speak up when there is a problem. Take action by automatically sending a quality control email during your clients’ stay.

After a stay


Satisfaction survey and analysis

Send all your clients a satisfaction survey after they depart and discover what they think of you.

Analyse the results of your satisfaction surveys and improve your understanding of what your clients need.

enquete satisfaction client Parcours client Experience CRM pour hôtels et restaurants

Encourage clients to leave a review

Increase the number of comments about your hotel by automatically asking clients to leave a review!

Choose your preferred review platform: Google, TripAdvisor,, Expedia, etc.

Programme fidélité Parcours client Experience CRM pour hôtels et restaurants

Thank you email with promo code

Thank your satisfied clients with a promo code!

Loyalty programme

Automatically send your clients rewards from their first stay with you to boost your direct booking rate!

Our CRM uses certain indicators (number of nights at your hotel, amount spent, etc.) to calculate personalised benefits for every client and automatically inserts them into email campaigns you send out.

Of course, these benefits are ONLY available on your website.

What makes the difference now is the human factor in which the hotelier invests, for his customer. And this is precisely what the Experience solution is focused on. We gain an exceptional sympathy capital, a fundamental loyalty element for customers.

Balmoral Hotel

The quality control that CRM Experience performs for me on my customers is really great. I have, on several occasions, defused very annoying situations for the customer and have
transformed the test by having a customer delighted with our management and the hotel team.

Le Villa Italia

Experience is the platform for me to reconnect with my clients and offer them a special benefit. With this system, we have three chances to turn our guests' stay into an unforgettable moment and avoid bad reviews. It's been a long time since I've been so convinced by a product.

Hôtel de la Porte Dorée

The consequences in terms of additional services sold are remarkable, from the bottle of champagne to the tourist circuits, dozens of services per month are sold thanks to this CRM.

Arvor Dorian Hotel

Toubana hôtel & spa - logo
The CRM helps us to have an external point of view. Being in the establishment 24 hours a day, our eye is used to too many things. When customers point out certain things, we look at it differently and can really improve our customer service by better assessing their priorities.

La Toubana Hotel & Spa

Experience has allowed us to literally create a special bond with our client, even before their arrival. We establish a real dialogue with them. The client feels more comfortable because we are more attentive. And when a customer is satisfied, the conversion to a good review is much easier.

Princesse Caroline Hotel