
Analyze and improve your e-reputation

Follow your ratings, opinions and positions on different online platforms

e-réputation Experience CRM pour hôtels et restaurants

Evolution of your e-reputation

Follow the evolution and anticipate your future e-reputation. We compare the average score displayed with your most recent scores.
You can then predict your future rating and therefore your e-reputation.

Reviews management

Centralize the management of your customer reviews: visualize on a single interface all the reviews about your hotel (Tripadvisor, Booking.com, Expedia, Orbitz, Google, etc.)

analyse sémantique experience CRM e réputation

Semantic analysis of reviews

Improve the customer experience with semantic analysis of customer reviews: they represent valuable information that allows you to understand the expectations and needs of travelers, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your establishment. Semantic analysis allows you to draw relevant conclusions to improve your services.

What makes the difference now is the human factor in which the hotelier invests, for his customer. And this is precisely what the Experience solution is focused on. We gain an exceptional sympathy capital, a fundamental loyalty element for customers.

Balmoral Hotel

The quality control that CRM Experience performs for me on my customers is really great. I have, on several occasions, defused very annoying situations for the customer and have
transformed the test by having a customer delighted with our management and the hotel team.

Le Villa Italia

Experience is the platform for me to reconnect with my clients and offer them a special benefit. With this system, we have three chances to turn our guests' stay into an unforgettable moment and avoid bad reviews. It's been a long time since I've been so convinced by a product.

Hôtel de la Porte Dorée

The consequences in terms of additional services sold are remarkable, from the bottle of champagne to the tourist circuits, dozens of services per month are sold thanks to this CRM.

Arvor Dorian Hotel

Toubana hôtel & spa - logo
The CRM helps us to have an external point of view. Being in the establishment 24 hours a day, our eye is used to too many things. When customers point out certain things, we look at it differently and can really improve our customer service by better assessing their priorities.

La Toubana Hotel & Spa

Experience has allowed us to literally create a special bond with our client, even before their arrival. We establish a real dialogue with them. The client feels more comfortable because we are more attentive. And when a customer is satisfied, the conversion to a good review is much easier.

Princesse Caroline Hotel