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Topsys – My Apaleo: The next-generation PMS at the heart of your operations


Topsys presents Apaleo, the open Hotel Management PMS platform.
Behind My Apaleo is a team of experts who have supported numerous hoteliers in their digitization journey.
They observed that “all-in-one” management solutions are often limited and consistently lagging in terms of innovation.

To provide a scalable solution tailored to the needs of each hotelier, Topsys chose to highlight the Apaleo Cloud platform and launched in France a management ecosystem called “My Apaleo,” designed to support hoteliers in their continuous growth and creativity.


Integration of all your partner applications on a single screen!

Through its API-First design, the Apaleo platform transforms how applications related to your hotel operations can connect.
By first creating a secure API connection base, the platform makes 100% of data and functions available and accessible to external applications.

Imagine being able to view and interact with your CRM information directly from your client’s booking record!
To achieve this, the Apaleo platform offers an official 2Way connection with the CRM Experience.

Products & Services

Apaleo Open PMS:

The benefits of a next-generation PMS for independent hotels, new concepts, chains, and hotel groups.

✓ High-speed Web Cloud system accessible via your browser
✓ Remote installation and commissioning in less than 24 hours
✓ Easy self-training for your new collaborators
✓ Automation of your processes: check-in/out, no-show, closures, etc.
✓ Native Multi-Property to manage all your establishments
✓ Automated updates to enjoy evolutions
✓ Integrated Topsys reporting (Accounting, Logs, Stats, etc.)
✓ Double-entry accounting and compliance with legal regulations, certified NF525
✓ Secure cloud hosting in Europe.
✓ Compliant with PCI PSD2 and GDPR standards. Secure banking data
✓ Automated payments according to tariff conditions
✓ Revenue Protect, risk management to combat fraud
✓ Official 2Way connection with CRM Experience

Apaleo Store:

Connect all your favorite applications in 1 click with no fees!

The Store features over 200 available applications. But also assistance in creating custom applications.
In a matter of days, or even hours, you have all the necessary applications to sell your rooms on your website and OTAs, send emails before and after the stay, offer contactless check-in and check-out, and encode your key cards.
All tools that will have a direct impact on the customer experience and the interactions you have with them are available on the Apaleo Store platform.

Apaleo PAY:

Automation of your payments and securing your revenue.
Apaleo PAY provides total freedom to professionals.

Automate payment collection throughout the customer journey.
Centralize the recording of all transactions in one place, from the moment the customer reserves online, through consumptions taken at the bar, to their departure from the hotel.
Offer your customers numerous payment facilities: physical or virtual credit cards, Digital Wallet (Apple, Google, Alipay, etc.), bank transfers, gift vouchers, etc.
Compliant with PCI PSD2 standards, data is secure so that the hotelier never has to worry about privacy issues.

CRM Connection: Official 2Way

Languages: FR, ENG

Zone: Europe, North America, Africa.

Suitable for: Hotels, Hotel Groups, Residences, Apartment Managers, etc.




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