
Hotel Groups: The Guest Pre-Stay as seen by Experience CRM

programme de fidélité hôtelier
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Recover guests’ personal details before they check in.

Your database is too often filled with OTA clients’ emails or incomplete details?

You are not able to centralize your customer data within the group and, on top of that, you manage several different PMS deployed on your hotels.

The Hotel CRM “Experience” offers you a solution to these problems:

Send a Pre-Stay e-mail to all your guests just a few days before their check-in.

Our Pre-Stay form evaluates the guests’ profile in order to provide them with appropriate additional services, and create a personalized experience by anticipating their needs.

The Pre-Stay Experience CRM is :

  • Profile segmentation = Dedicated offers
  • A limitation in the number of services displayed = Generates 6 times more sales
  • A significant reduction of the time spent in the recovery of the client data
  • A reduction in typing errors when filling in the kardexes
  • All customer data and stay history within the group, centralized on a single interface
programme de fidélité hôtelier