Hotel Group

Centralise client relations management for all your hotels

comment faire e-mailing hôtelier efficace ? Experience CRM

A single CRM interface for your entire hotel group

hotel group centralisation données experience CRM hotel et restaurant.png

Whether you have 1 or 50 hotels, with 1 or multiple different PMS systems, the Experience Hotel CRM enables you to gather all your information in a single database from your trade software and additional forms.

Centralise client relations management for all your hotels and use Dashboards with a view by establishment for each of our products.


All your records centralised, cleaned up, de-duplicated and segmented


Email acquisition
All your data automatically updated and de-duplicated in a single place

Present vs missing emails
Present emails and missing emails in your database

True emails collected:
Clients without emails, with OTA emails, etc.

Acquisition source
PMS, channel manager, pre-stay, check-in, etc.

hotel group database base de données experience CRM hotel et restaurant

“Thanks to the Experience CRM tools, I went from having 28% to 69% email addresses correctly entered for my clients.

This generated me €61,408 via email campaigns in just the last quarter.”

Xavier Delloye, Carlton Hotel

Client pathway

Analyse the pathway for all clients on a single platform

Email & Forms

All emails from different hotels at a glance
Emails sent, collected, services ordered, etc.
Emails sent, responses to quality control and results.

Surveys sent, % of responses and average scores.

Review redirection
To TripAdvisor, Google,, Expedia, etc.

Positive review collection

With the pre-stay email personalised to suit your client’s segmentation, you

Email & Formulaires

By issuing satisfaction surveys during a stay, you’re warned of bad experiences and can head off negative reviews. Together with the email encouraging clients to leave a review on your choice of platform automatically sent when they depart, you maximise your chances of receiving positive scores!

Email Marketing

Schedule emails using your hotels’ mailing lists

Email Marketing & Newsletter

Schedule emails using your hotels’ mailing lists, centralise your email templates and create a brand strategy that works for the long term.
hotel group email marketing experience CRM hotel et restaurant

You can now send multilingual campaigns across all your hotels, or just for a single hotelier. Our tools carefully monitor every booking generated and encourage you to create personalised scenarios.


Turnover and bookings generated by establishment and by one-off marketing campaign


Most recent campaigns, active campaigns, turnover and bookings generated by hotel and by automated campaign

Online reputation

Manage all your clients’ reviews in one place


Manage the online reputation for all your hotels, the average score per establishment and per platform, and responses to reviews (Google, TripAdvisor, on a single platform.
hotel group e- reputation experience CRM hotel et restaurant

Rankings by hotel and by platform

Satisfaction overall and by establishment

Details of reviews and responses by hotel


Analyse the pathway for all your clients on a single platform. Compare different hotels and monitor their strengths and weaknesses. At a glance, determine which hotels have an excellent online reputation and which you need to focus on.

Overall satisfaction:
% satisfaction and NPS per hotel
Details by establishment:
Questions/answers, promoter, passive and detractor rates.

“We quickly felt comfortable with the Experience hotel CRM because it’s so easy to use.
It allows us to control every aspect of the client pathway.
The direct booking rate has exploded thanks to the solution’s marketing and email campaigns, which has enabled us to significantly increase our turnover.”

Assane Tall, Responsable E-reputation & Chargé de Réservation d’un Groupe de 3 hôtels à Paris

Data cross-referencing

Cross-referencing and consolidation of data provides an objective overview of the group’s performance and that of every hotel within it


Measure the performance of the group and each hotel
Benefit from a centralised view of your KPIs
Email addresses usable by hotel and for the whole group
Number of messages sent by hotel and for the whole group

Turnover generated by hotel and for the whole group

“We’ve tested various CRM solutions. Experience was clearly top, producing the best results in terms of direct turnover thanks to careful analysis of our client database.

Since 2019, every hotel that joins the group gets the Experience CRM on day one! There’s no discussion or wavering involved!”

Kristoph Leroux, Directeur des Opérations pour les 46 hôtels du groupe Turenne Hôtellerie

Experience has allowed us to literally create a special bond with our client, even before their arrival. We establish a real dialogue with them. The client feels more comfortable because we are more attentive. And when a customer is satisfied, the conversion to a good review is much easier.

Princesse Caroline Hotel

What makes the difference now is the human factor in which the hotelier invests, for his customer. And this is precisely what the Experience solution is focused on. We gain an exceptional sympathy capital, a fundamental loyalty element for customers.

Balmoral Hotel

The quality control that CRM Experience performs for me on my customers is really great. I have, on several occasions, defused very annoying situations for the customer and have
transformed the test by having a customer delighted with our management and the hotel team.

Le Villa Italia

Experience is the platform for me to reconnect with my clients and offer them a special benefit. With this system, we have three chances to turn our guests' stay into an unforgettable moment and avoid bad reviews. It's been a long time since I've been so convinced by a product.

Hôtel de la Porte Dorée

The consequences in terms of additional services sold are remarkable, from the bottle of champagne to the tourist circuits, dozens of services per month are sold thanks to this CRM.

Arvor Dorian Hotel

Toubana hôtel & spa - logo
The CRM helps us to have an external point of view. Being in the establishment 24 hours a day, our eye is used to too many things. When customers point out certain things, we look at it differently and can really improve our customer service by better assessing their priorities.

La Toubana Hotel & Spa

Experience has allowed us to literally create a special bond with our client, even before their arrival. We establish a real dialogue with them. The client feels more comfortable because we are more attentive. And when a customer is satisfied, the conversion to a good review is much easier.

Princesse Caroline Hotel

What makes the difference now is the human factor in which the hotelier invests, for his customer. And this is precisely what the Experience solution is focused on. We gain an exceptional sympathy capital, a fundamental loyalty element for customers.

Balmoral Hotel